I have been involved in the development of localization systems for several robot platforms.
Rocker-bogie Suspension
- Ojeda, L., Cruz, D.*, Reina, G. , Borenstein, J. “Current-Based Slippage Detection and Odometry Correction for Mobile Robots and Planetary Rovers”. IEEE Transactions on Robotics . 04/2006; 22(2): 366-378
- Reina, G., Ojeda, L., Milella, A., Borenstein, J. “Wheel Slippage and Sinkage Detection for Planetary Rovers”. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Special Issue on Novel Aspects in Robotics . 04/2006; 11(2): 185-195
- Ojeda, L., Reina, G., Cruz, D.*, Borenstein, J. “The FLEXnav precision dead-reckoning system”. International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems. 01/2006; 4(2-4): 173-195

Statically Unstable Vehicles
- Ojeda, L., Raju, M., Borenstein, J. “FLEXnav: A Fuzzy Logic Expert Dead-reckoning System for the Segway RMP”. Proceedings of the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology VI (OR54) , Orlando, FL, 04/2004

Skid Steer Vehicles
- Borenstein, J., Ojeda, L. “Heuristic Reduction of Gyro Drift in Vehicle Tracking Applications”. International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems. 08/2009; 2(1/2): 78-98
- Ojeda, L., Borenstein, J., Witus, G., Karlsen, R. “Terrain Characterization and Classification with a Mobile Robot”. Journal of Field Robotics . 02/2006; 23(2): 103-122
- Ojeda, L., Borenstein, J. “Methods for the Reduction of Odometry Errors in Over-constrained Mobile Robots”. Autonomous Robots Journal. 05/2004; 16(3): 273-286
- Chung, H., Ojeda, L., Borenstein, J. “Accurate Mobile Robot Dead-reckoning with a Precision-calibrated Fiber Optic Gyroscope”. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation . 02/2001; 17(1): 80-84

Consumer Robots

Fun Robots